Course Overview
Whether you are new to teaching or you are an experienced belly dance instructor, this workshop aims to help you,
- Clarify and organize information
- Save you time on lesson-planning
- Improve student progress
- Retain more students
- Build your reputation as a skilled instructor
Students at different levels of experience and ability have different needs and expectations. It is your job as the instructor to, not only meet those needs, but to anticipate them - within reason, of course. While everyone learns differently and has different motivations for taking belly dance classes, students share general needs and interests in common that arise typically at the same points along the dance journey.
In this workshop, you will learn about creating a class experience to meet student needs, interests and expectations at different levels of experience and ability. You will be guided through the following for each general level of Beginner, Continuing, and Intermediate-Advanced instruction:
- Skills, Standards & Learning Behaviors
- Defining Levels for Student Success
- Class Activities & Sequence
- Goals & Learning Objectives
- Movement Vocabulary & Skill Progression
- Music Selection & Sample Playlists
- Examples of Choreography & Culminating Projects
Based on a format that I developed over the course of about fifteen years, I have drawn from my experience as an educator in the classroom and my parallel experience teaching varied types of Middle Eastern dance classes to a multitude of students. While I continue to build on this program, its core essence has provided a strong and wide-reaching foundation that I have been able to adapt to every situation, from a one-off Introductory class, to regular weekly classes as well as professional-level workshops.
In my first few years of teaching, I spent a lot time and effort developing my program and teaching skills. In fact, I was obsessed with it! Teaching was very intimidating for me, but I loved it. So, I was very motivated to get comfortable and to get it right.
As an educator, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to train in a variety of disciplines, most notably: learning theory, human development, curriculum, lesson planning and instructional strategies, all of which apply to any field of teaching. I'm going to share with you how all of that applies to creating an awesome class experience through the structure, content and pace of instruction for different levels.
I've included additional material on how to approach teaching different types of classes using the same format. An overview of how to teach these different audiences and interests will help you get started as you build your experience:
- Dance for Fun & Fitness
- Dance for Seniors & Limited Individuals
- Dance for Kids
- Dance for Teens
- Dance as Performance Art
There is lots of room for your teaching style to shine through within the general framework of the format.
This workshop is presented in written lecture format with accompanying audio and videos. I encourage you to ask questions in the comments section of each lecture.